Recite Extension

Remember all your saved quotes and highlights.

Google OAuth2 Homepage

This page was last updated on Feb 28, 2023.

Accurately represents your app's identity: The Recite Extension is a simple Chrome extension to display quotations and highlights from a user's Google spreadsheet. This was built by Vivian Qu as a small hobby project for herself to use, and the extension is made available to others through the Chrome Web Store. The source code is available publically here. It's not something created by a company or business for profit or data harvesting.

What will this app do with user data? The only user data that the extension receives is: name, email, and profile picture. The user information is not stored in the extension but is only displayed for the purposes of authentication. The extension saves the authentication token that Google returns in order to request data from the Google Sheets API.

How does this app enhance user functionality? The extension enables users to display the information in a Google spreadsheet on a new Chrome tab. It is not possible to access a user's Google spreadsheet content without the OAuth2 authorization process, so the enhancement of user functionality is making it possible to display a user's spreadsheet data.

Link to Privacy Policy: Click here to view the extension's privacy policy.

Describe the content, context, or connection to the app: If the user chooses to enter a Google spreadsheet link as a source for quotations or highlights, the extension uses the authentication token to fetch the relevant Google spreadsheet information. The extension saves the spreadsheet ID and metadata (such as number of rows, number of columns, page title) in the browser's local storage. This spreadsheet data is used to fetch a row to display on every new tab open. The extension does not persist any rows from the spreadsheet in local storage. If a user removes the spreadsheet link from the source input, the saved data is cleared from local storage.

Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure

This app requests the following sensitive scopes:

The extension's use of information received from the API adheres to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use agreement.

Terms of Use

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