Recite Extension - Privacy Policy

Remember all your saved quotes and highlights.

To learn more about the extension, go to Recite's home page.

Privacy Policy

This page was last updated on Mar 3, 2023.

This policy describes the information that the Recite Chrome extension uses and how that information is handled. The extension's use of information from the API adheres to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use agreement.

  • Who is requesting Google user data? The Recite Chrome extension is a free Chrome extension that uses a user's Google spreadsheet to display quotes and highlights.
  • What data are you requesting? The extension uses the OAuth2 authentication process to request name, email, profile picture, and an authentication token to access the content within a Google spreadsheet, using read-only Google Sheets access.
  • Why are you requesting Google user data? The extension enables users to display the information in a Google spreadsheet on a new Chrome tab. It is not possible to access a user's Google spreadsheet content without the OAuth2 authorization process, so the enhancement of user functionality is making it possible to display a user's spreadsheet data.

Sensitive API Scopes

This app requests the following sensitive scopes:

The extension's use of information received from the API adheres to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use agreement.

Data received from the API is only stored in the browser's local storage. The user's personal data is never transferred or accessible by humans, even the developer. No data will be transferred or sold to third parties.

Website Trackers (

Visits to this website are logged via anonymized Google Analytics. I am only interested in basic information like number of visitors to a particular blog post. You can read more about the website's general privacy policy here.